Matcha New Year Cake (aka. Nian Gao)

Matcha New Year Cake (aka. Nian Gao)

Chinese New Year is celebrated over many different countries with many traditions and festivities! Nian Gao or New Year Cake is eaten during this time as it symbolises prosperity and having a greater year. It is a chewy and stretchy rice cake that is steamed and can then be panfried for a crispy exterior. It is very addictive and delicious.

It is traditionally made with only 4 ingredients; water, rice flour, glutinous rice flour and brown sugar. There can be hints of citrus as well. We've prepared a recipe for Matcha Nian Gao which adds a fresh tea flavour. 



  • 6 grams Matcha Powder
  • 100mL warm water to whisk the Matcha
  • 1 slab Chinese Brown Sugar (approx 80 grams). You can also substitute this with raw sugar, coconut sugar or brown sugar.
  • 150mL hot water.
  • 150 grams glutinous rice flour (this is actually gluten free)
  • 50 gram rice flour
  • Optional: finely grated zest of half an orange
  • To Serve: 1 egg and oil to panfry

How to:

  1. Whisk the Matcha and warm water until well dissolved.
  2. Dissolve all the sugar in the hot water to create a syrup.
  3. In a large bowl, add both rice and glutinous rice flour, add sugar syrup and matcha. Stir until no clumps are visible. It should be the consistency similar to that of condensed milk. If it is too thick, add a teaspoon of water at a time until the desired consistency is achieved.
  4. Grease a round tin or glass, ~ 15cm in diameter.
  5. Pour the batter in and tap it on the sides to remove any air bubbles.
  6. Steam for 60-70min on a low. 
  7. Once steamed, allow the cake to fully cool down or leave it in the fridge overnight.
  8. To Serve: Slice the cake into ~ 1.5cm wide x ~ 5cm long slabs. 
  9. Whisk an egg, dip the rice cake pieces into the egg and pan fry on low heat until the outer layer of egg is cooked and slightly crispy. 
  10. Sip on some tea, enjoy the rice cakes and enjoy the New Year!



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